Classes in creative writing and expression, that:

• support you in developing your artistic voice,

• build nurturing community, and

• connect to Jewish ritual.

The Briya Project is building a Jewish creative, communal space for individuals who are seeking to nurture their artistic voices – to write, to be heard, and to help others in doing the same. 

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Participants are guided through exercises that explore their hopes, dreams, concerns, and stories to find the subject matters that call to them. With collaboration and proven feedback mechanisms that nurture artistry, confidence, and connection to the inner voice, the creative self emerges.
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When we harness our creative inclinations and will, as individuals and in community, is when we are most connected. Our courses recognize this yearning and are designed and facilitated to create space and skill for connection – to our individual selves, to each other, and to Jewishness.
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Jewish Frame

Briya courses are designed around the Jewish calendar, its holidays and seasons, the cycles of nature, how creation renews itself. This roots us in the ancient heritage of our people, and the universal human experience of seeking meaning, healing, grounding, and changing, through creation.

For those with an inclination towards writing, who find comfort in expressing their own lone voice, the need for creative community is great. Writing might seem solitary, but writers so often need encouragement to keep going, accountability to progress through difficult passages, to be heard, to know that someone is listening to what they have to say, that their voice matters. ”

Talia Werber, Briya Project Founder & Instructor